At Whale Seeker, we uphold high ethical standards when it comes to dealing with confidential data, as with all parts of our operations. The following commitments are fundamental to our organization, and govern the way we operate – It extends to all our services and to any new technologies we deploy (e.g., artificial intelligence).
We are accountable for the confidential data you entrust us with. We put in place proper infrastructure and governance to ensure all data processing respects purposes and is safeguarded. Accountable persons are imparted with clear responsibilities to ensure the respect of these [principles] and specific requirements deriving. We consider how to best protect your confidential data throughout all of our business operations. This includes all types of data processing, analytics, sharing with providers, storage, etc.
We are dedicated to keeping your confidential data safe. Protecting your confidential information is a fundamental part of our operations. We ensure your confidential information is safe in all parts of our business, always keeping data security measures top of mind. We manage access rights to your data proactively and ensure that only people that need access to render your services have access.
We develop new technology in a responsible way. We believe deploying technology (e.g., artificial intelligence) is both an opportunity and a responsibility. Namely, we uphold highest scientific standards and governance in our use of technology, to maintain accuracy and quality of your confidential information. Technology deployments are rooted on sound research practices that use the tools and methods of modern science and that evolve in collaboration and communication with the research community.
We use data for social and environmental welfare. We use data in ways that promote improvements of environment and marine wildlife. We do not support our services being used for whaling, illegal fishing, skirting other environmental laws and regulations, and other activities perceived as going against our core values. As soon as we detect that kind of activity, we end the contract with the customer.
We use data for determined purposes. We use data for established uses. We take data stewardship very seriously, as a responsibility that is a pillar of our business’s values. We leverage data to reach precise goals with respect to your needs and our operational efficiency. Use of data and deployment of underpinning technology are aligned and useful for determined purposes (serve determined purposes) and our core business values.
We keep your confidential data strictly private – we never sell it, nor share it (other than with authorized third parties under our agreements). We use transparent processes, in that we will implement open, clear and forward practices throughout the different stages of our relationship with you. We use reliable architecture with confidentiality safeguard, solely for purposes determined together (see above principle).